Mission Statement | Strategic Plan | History | Friends of Lamp | Op Shop | Board of Management | Day 2 Day | Room 226
Lamp’s Mission Statement
The following values and principles guide the activities of Lamp Inc:
Acceptance of all cultural and gender diverse groups
Recognition of an individual’s right to privacy
Upheld the rights and dignity of all people
Promote social justice, fairness and equity
Provide a quality service to Lamp Inc and community members
Ensure the inclusion of people with mental illness their families, friends and carers in the decision making process of the organization
Ensure transparency to all service areas
Work within the principles and practices of accountability and collaboration with all stake holders and funding bodies.

History of Lamp Inc.
Lamp Inc was established in August 1996, with a community based focus. Lamp encourages and supports both consumers and carers to be represented on the Lamp Board.
The Friends Of Lamp
With the introduction of the Friends Of Lamp, clients and carers have become instrumental in creating a strong network between themselves and their community.
Through its fund raising activities, FOL supports and finances regular carer retreats and client holiday programs and is also the official fundraising group for Lamp Inc. encouraging client self-valorisation and offering advocacy to its members.
Friends Of Lamp provides the following services to its members
Involvement in Mental Health Week, held in October every year, and many other mental health celebrations and events.
Fund raising to assist with service expansion and social activities.
The Friends Of Lamp help out around the centres with activities and maintenance, and are the drivers of the Lamp Op Shop.
Op Shop
Our Community Op Shop is unfortunately not operating due to a number of factors. Look out for our pop-up stalls, when you are next visiting local markets and events. Thank you for your support
Board of Management
Lamp Inc’s Board of Management is well represented by members of the community from such diverse fields as Health, Mental Health, Business, Education, Psycho-Social and Community Enterprise. Consumer, Carer representatives are present as serving Board Members.
Day 2 Day
Day to Day Living centre based programs are offered for all age groups and include:
Workbench activities in a fully functioning workshop environment
Music lessons with trained teachers
Art workshops
Craft and hobby workshops
Gardening and outdoor activities
Full access to our gym and sporting equipment
Visits to points of interest and events in the community
Lamp Inc Room 226
A centre designed for young people between the ages of 14-20
Room 226 Facilities:
Gaming stations
Exercise equipment
Huge TV
Access to musical instruments
Access to art supplies
Our activities are centre based & include:
Music lessons with trained teachers
Full access to our gym equipment and other sporting equipment
Access to games room
Gardening and outdoor activities
Our mission is to enhance wellbeing, create positive networks and maintain links with in the community. The youth program strives to embrace early intervention and convey information to the community about mental health relating to youth.